GEI wins Ford China and World Bank Awards

GEI's Innovative Conservation Work in Community Agreements Earns Accolades and Recognition

GEI wins Ford China and World Bank Awards

BEIJING (Oct. 28, 2008) – Global Environmental Institute (GEI)’s “Conservation Concession Agreement” initiative – a methodology designed for economic development and ecosystem protection – won two high honors this week, Ford Motor Company China’s award for ‘protection of the natural environment’ and “Lenovo Innovation Award” in World Bank’s 2nd China Development Marketplace.

These two awards demonstrate GEI’s innovative methodology and willingness to engage with the environmental and economic pressures facing China.

Recognition by Ford Motor Company

GEI had the honor of receiving Ford Motor Company China’s ‘protection of the natural environment’ at a special ceremony hosted by the Ford Motor Company at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing.

The mission of the award is to “promote the construction of an ecological civilization,” and this year’s award ceremony focused primarily on pollution control and reasonable use of resources.

Ms. Jin Jiaman, GEI’s Executive Director, expressed her great appreciation and enthusiasm for the award at the ceremony:

“I am very excited to learn of the award granted to the Conservation Concessions Agreement project. This, along with last year’s nomination of GEI’s ‘Tibet Rural Sustainable Development Project’ for the Ford Environmental Award, shows that GEI’s projects are meaningful and are being recognized by the general public. GEI will continue its efforts in making greater contribution to China’s, and the world’s, environment.”

The award includes a CNY10,000 contribution for the further development of the project.

A number of environmental NGOs and non-profits attended the ceremony, which included speeches by Robert Graziano, CEO of Ford-China, and Qu Geping, a world famous environmental scientist and Head of the People’s Committee for the Protection of the Environment and Natural Resources.

Recognition by World Bank

In addition to receiving the Ford award, GEI’s Conservation Incentive Agreements (CIA) In China Project won the “Lenovo Innovation Award” in the World Bank’s 2nd China Development Marketplace on October 22, 2008.

GEI’s CIA in China Project was selected as one of the 115 finalists from almost 500 applicants from all over China in the first round competition. It was invited to participate in the two-day China Development Marketplace competition in Beijing from October 21 to 22, 2008, not only to compete for an award but also to share its unique ideas and accomplishments and at the same time learn from the experiences of other organizations. Winners of the 50 awards were selected by a diverse set of panelists; GEI won the “Lenovo Innovation Award,” which recognizes innovation and creativity in environmental protection projects carried out in China.

GEI’s CIA in China Project is a brand new mechanism that aims to resolve conflicts between nature reserve protection and the livelihood activities of communities near nature reserves. GEI has carried out a pilot project in Baoxing County in Sichuan Province from 2006 to 2008, which helped to develop innovative ideas for improving China’s nature reserve management system. GEI will apply these ideas to future work in Baoxing county and elsewhere in China.

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