

Jingwei ZHANG


T +86-10-85325910-216
F +86-10-85325038


Sustainable Urban Development, Environmental Science, China’s Foreign Investment, Civil Society Cooperation


Ms. Jingwei ZHANG is Senior Program Officer of Investment, Trade and the Environment Program at the Global Environmental Institute (GEI). A true globetrotter, Jingwei completed her bachelor’s degree in Toronto, Canada and master’s degree in Boston, United States, while also traveling throughout Asia and Africa to conduct research. Her areas of specialty include urban planning transformation and sustainable development.

Since coming on board in 2015, Jingwei has researched extensively on China-Africa timber trade sustainability, NGO engagement in South-South cooperation, and China’s development strategy: “One Belt, One Road” initiative. Her work is featured in GEI’s “Going Global” in-depth analysis on China’s overseas foreign direct investment in Southeast Asian and African forestry products.

Prior to joining GEI, she interned at the Home Energy Efficiency Team where she promoted energy efficiency options for Boston’s small businesses, as well as at Save the Bay/Save the Harbor – an advocacy group that protects and restores Boston’s harbor and marine environment.

Jingwei graduated from the University of Toronto with a double major in environmental science and psychology and received a master’s degree in city planning from Boston University. She speaks Mandarin, French, and English. She is currently studying playback theater, which is a unique branch of improvisation. If you’re lucky, you can catch this budding star at a local performance in Beijing!

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