Global Environmental Innovation Fund (GEIF)

Established by Global Environmental Institute (GEI) in 2016 with seed funding from the blue moon fund, Global Environmental Innovation Fund (GEIF) aims to advance the course of GEI and contribute to global efforts to explore and practice innovative environmental and development mechanisms, models and solutions.

Acting as a reserve fund and re-granting platform, GEIF enables GEI to collaborate and work closely with critical partners endeavoring to realize sustainable development and ecological protection in China and abroad. GEIF’s network includes partners from NGOs, consultants, foundations, private firms and governments from diverse regions and countries.  

GEIF looks forward to cooperating with these stakeholders and partners to mobilize and integrate more resources in order to achieve sustainable development. As GEIF grows, we welcome donors to support our efforts and join with us by contacting the GEIF team.

Contact the Program Team

Wenjuan ZHAO

You are donating to : Global Environmental Institute Fund

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